Established in 1994 with a gift from Barbara Fritz, a longtime member of the Berkeley Piano Club, and augmented with her generous bequest in 2014, the Emerging Artists Fund Grant is intended to help with specific needs of talented musicians, age 17-28, who have financial need and intend to pursue a professional career in music.

Up to twenty $1000-$2000 awards will be made at the discretion of the Scholarships Committee and may be used for expenses such as: wardrobe for and travel to music festivals and auditions, instrument repair and upgrade, coaching and masterclass fees, music score purchases, audio and video recording costs for auditions, tuition for summer music festivals, and other expenses approved by the EAF Committee. We encourage applications from young musicians in underserved communities.

The online application form is HERE

If you have any questions about filling in or submitting this form, don’t hesitate to contact us:

You can read about last year’s winners of Emerging Artists Grants here